3600 litres of potable water per hour
Since taking over in 2006 there has been a well-drill and three manual wells on the farm. The well-drill’s total depth from the surface is 13 metres and the water volume is 3600 litres per hour. The farm with its seven hectares would therefore be able to supply 100 households with potable water. The water is tested twice per year, both microbiologically and chemically. It is also radon-tested and evaluated as potable.
Warm water from the sun
The heating is water-borne and delivered through floor and wall heating. The water pipes in the wall lie within the inner wall’s clay layer. The heating of the water occurs through two sun traps of 12.6 m2. This is also used as hot water for bathing and cooking. The hot water is stored in four accumulator tanks, one tank to each sun trap because they are installed on two different south-facing roofs. If the heat of the sun is absent (Oct-Apr) the combi-boiler takes over.