Student project with the University of Linz 2008-2009

The student project with the architectural faculty at the University of Linz, Austria, had as its goal the planning of the farm’s new and additional construction with building materials from raw goods of agriculture (Bau(ern)stoffe.) The project was led by Professor Roland Gnaiger, eco-architect and leader of the faculty. The eight-year project was composed of a workshop on the farm, education through Swedish guest lecturers from SLU and LTH, walking work presentations, and evaluation of sketches and models through a prominent jury.

Throughout the ten-day workshop, 13 students lived and work on the farm. Roland Gnaiger and his assistant Michael Zinner educated and guided the students. Every student worked up their individual proposals that were later further developed within the university’s walls. On 03 March 2009 a jury composed of the architects Hubert Riess, Josef Königsmaier and Oskar Pankratz, as well as we developers, judged the students’ work.

Here you see the five top-placed drawings. The first prize was given to ”Vall” by Christian Wolf, which has provided inspiration for our new application for building permission. The faculty has also been awarded various international prizes for the students’ great achievements this year.

1. Christian Wolf

2. Martin Thysell

3. Johannes Wolfsteiner

4. Eva Lechner

5. Verena Schoisengeyrl

Simone Götze completed her Master’s in architecture with panache

Simone Barbara Götze studied architecture at the Universitet of Linz, Österrike, since 2003. In addition to this, she works in an architect office in Linz that was awarded the Austrian national prize in architecture 2008. From October 2008 Simone wrote her thesis ”TREGÅRD” in connection with the student project on Futura organic farm (Futura Ekogård). On 09 December 2009 she successfully presented a new construction and extension composed of three inner courtyards before an evaluation commission and invited guests. The commission made very positive noises and we in the public believed she had done wonderful work. Here you see the model with three inner courtyards, each with their titles: private, public and sheltered living.

Photo: Thomas Feiner

This is how Simone briefly describes the content in her Master’s thesis: ”Besides the reconstruction and enlargement of the farm on a small scale, the thesis is comprised of the following areas:

• Knowledge and organisation

• Community and culinary experience

• Living

• Sheltered housing and integration of farmers

Studies of Swedish history, building traditions, and culture form the starting point for a plan that shows respect towards the past and simultaneously hope for the future. The plan constitutes a network-building between three courtyards on the basis of the target groups, whose connections and thresholds play with the subjects of publicity and intimacy.” We wish Simone a joyful and successful working life!