Eco-cycle Grey Water System

Ecotpia på Österlen has chosen an eco-cycle grey water system that also on a pedagogical way show cases the system. Organic materials from feacal matter and urine is brought back to the ecological pasture so that the nutrition can be recycled. The remaining grey water from the system is cleaned in a aggregate filter bed and leads therefore to the pond where water plants take over the cleaning process. The advisor Froste Persson with a lot of experience as an environmental controller in the community of Simrishamn has been leading the project.

Toilet and wash room will be installed in the meeting house. There a eco- cycle grey water system is planned. This outgoing from the leadership of Froste Persson, Simrishamn. He is an advisor and expert on separate drainage. Froste is prescribed the eco-cycle system in the following way, “to get a eco-cycle system you have to reduce the nitrogen to at least 25% and phosphor to at least 90%. Also substances that use oxygen must also be reduced. Most of the nutritive salt that humans are leaving behind them, goes out from the urine, therefore the taking care of the toilets from urine diversion stools where the feacal handling is dry. The urine is collected in tanks, and when it’s filled you let it rest so that the hygiene process happens approx. 6 months. During this time then the second urine tank is filled up. The hygenic urine that now is a house hold waste product is diluted and used for watering the plants. The feacal matter you take care of in black containers where they are composting approx. 6 months. After that the humanure is mixed with other organic materials and further composts for a time and then you can spread it out as soil improvement material. On this way the eco-cycle system has been closed. From showers and washrooms the drain leads out. That then includes bathing, dish and wash water, to a setttlement well, a bigger double chamber well, there the sediment settles before the separated water leads to the distribution system and then out to a clay lined cleaning system in the scape of a closed aggregate filter bed. There happens a reduction of nutritive salts where bacterias die off. The clean water then leads to a ditch and into a wetland, where perhaps an after polishing will happen, the cleaning system could not further reduce. The slime from the settlement chamber could have been taken care of by the farm which has enough area for that”, say Froste. But then we would have had to apply  for a slime exemption from the local government. The exemption is valid for 5 years. If one should have exemption for private handling of their own slime then we would have to account for where we are spreading it on the farm. This bureauchratic facts and how to take care of it makes that we now have decided that we let the entrepreneurs from tha community take care of the slime.


It has a very interesting and exciting to take part of Froste Persson’s knowledge. As environmental controller in Simrishamns community, Froste has been participating in many private drainage projects in the eco-village of Bäskemölla. Therefore while he conducts himself as an environmental consultant, he can at the same time can navigate the administrative authorities around drainage. It is exactly this combination of both of them that leads to the final point.


Ecotopia Österlen har valt ett kretsloppsavlopp som på ett pedagogiskt sätt åskådliggör systemet. Organiskt material från fekalier och urin återförs till den ekologiska vallodlingen så att näringsämnen kan återvinnas. Resterande gråvatten från avloppssystemet renas i en markanläggning och leds därefter till dammen där vattenväxter tar över reningsprocessen. Rådgivaren Froste Persson med stor erfarenhet som miljöinspektör inom Simrishamns kommun har lett projektet – Läs mer…