Ecological building (Internationally known as ”Green Building”) is the extensive knowledge of interactions between humans, their built environment and the ecosystem, as well as sustainability and poison free building, derived from adaptable knowledge and technology. All this in support of the claim, ”to leave behind a sustainable and capable environment for the next generations”.
The Pillars of Ecological Building:
- Choice of ecological place (infrastructure, public transport, conservation)
- Building with ecological resources where raw materials have been acquired and processed in a sustainable way, and can be recycled. Besides materials, processing and transport of materials should be as local and as energy efficient as possible.
- Employing ecological hesitation by avoiding defective materials or such with toxins.
- For low energy usage in buildings: (1) optimally use solar energy, (2) use energy saving thermal insulation, (3) ensure a consensus between building physics and technological equipment, (4) incorporate energy saving techniques, (5) cover all energy usage via renewable energies like solar and ecological fuels.
- Keep buildings as small as possible and incorporate green planting.
- Rain water harvesting, separation of potable drinking water and normal water supply for cleaning and irrigation.
- Grey water recycling and nutrient capture with plants and natural ponds.