
röttblad150x150Discover Ecotopia

Natural Resources at Ecotopia

Permanent exhibition

Opening hours: Same as Eco café.

Free entry

Permanent exhibition in the Meeting Place & photo exhibition in the Future Workshop

About the exhibition This exhibition is a natural result of a process that has been ongoing since we moved in to the farm in the summer 2006. A process that most resembles research or an inventory of 7 hectares on Österlens hinterland. Observation, investigation, test taking and test growing connected with both theoretical and practical knowledge intake. Water volume and quality? Ecocycle sewer construction? Which soil types does one find on the farm? What building materials are available? How much energy do we consume? The location’s climate data? What are the renovation requirements for the farm buildings from 1820? The farm’s vegetation and topography? Which wild vegetables, berries, fruit, herbs etc. grow on the farm? Which seeds and edible plants thrive in the farm’s soil types and climate? Which beneficial animals live here?

These are some of the questions we asked in order to discover the farm’s resources. This from a holistic perspective. A selection of these resources you now find in the exhibition, of which the main categories are:

Energy, Water, Eco-building, Wild food and drink, Cultivated food and drink, Beneficial animals and plants With this exhibition we want to inspire you to begin looking for resources yourself where you live. ”Those who seek find” – thus one becomes more self-sustaining. With this exhibition we want to direct a warm thanks to nature for its power and unlimited generosity.

We, who have collectively created this exhibition, are:

Designer: Liselotte Öhman

Idea, content and text: Karin Malmgren, Ecotopia Österlen

Exhibition builders: Roland Birgersson and Ryszard Kryzaniak, Ecotopia Österlen

Graphic design: Martin Behm martin@triplecomma.com

Digital photo lab: Österlenfoto i Skåne Tryckeri: Ystadtryck AB

Our first and small exhibition 2013: