
New calendar!

The new calendar for autumn and winter is now on the homepage. Here you find courses, workshops and theme evenings. Sustainable health is at the centre for the coming season. It’s about food being our medicine, herbal medicine and homeopathy, qigong and self-healing, cooking vegetarian food, electromagnetic hypersensitivity and dance. But also about collective growing and collecting seeds, as well as about low energy houses and how one insulates one’s home. To take care of one’s health in a natural

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Vegetable garden and climate change beat records

Today the window cleaner from Pärs Måleri in Bollerup was here and washed our windows with ionised water, an alkaline water whose benefits are based upon the alkaline principle found in the raw food movement and which increases both weight loss and well-being. So you can be sure that our windows beam with joy today! No chemicals, no solvent, only water. This is a sustainable solution, isn’t it? Yesterday dance therapist Barbro Carelius-Hallgren was here and led a workshop. Nice

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Österlen’s Garden Tour

Ecotopia is taking part in Österlen’s Garden Tour, of which the hub is Österlen’s museum with the exhibition ’ÖSTERLEN’S GARDENS – 200 year of happiness, knowledge and trends’ In the garden tour 56 garden-loving Österlen residents open the gates and doors to their gardens with activities like garden walks, tree appeals, exhibitions, education and herb field walks. It begins on 19 June and ends on 31 August. A wonderful local initiative. This also in August when we have education

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Rammed Earth House

Now we have begun the building up of a recycling house for waste using a rammed earth building technique. Markus Beskow, who built his rammed earth house himself in Baskemölla eco-village is leading a workshop here at Ecotopia on 5-6 June. The walls are built by pouring down a clay mix in a mould (see picture), in a roughly ten centimetre thick layer. Thereafter it is pressed together to roughly 5 centimetres thickness with the help of an air pressure-powered

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Transition project

The first signs of spring have now come to Ecotopia which, unusually for Skåne, lies in growing zone 2. During the past three weeks snowdrops, crocuses and buttercups stood in beautiful postures reminiscent of the wax figures at Madame Tussauds in London. What a treat for the eyes! The bees popped out for three warm days last week, but they’ve returned inside once again. They probably know it will be colder over the weekend 😉 The seed bank and community

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Creating the exhibition

A permanent exhibition is under development, managed by exhibition designer Liselotte Öhman from Kivik. The exhibition named ”NaturResurser på Ecotopia” (= Nature resources of Ecotopia) will open at Easter. So now we are building stands and compiling resources from the farm. Everything from dried plants like tea and spices, root vegetables from the earth cellar, pickled berries and vegetables, as well as must and juice to dried mushrooms. We divide these in two categories, wild and cultured. Fresh harvest will be added.

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Release of calendar for 2014 on Tuesday!

Finally, we are finished with the calendar! I hope all of you that have sent enquiries now will find the answers to your questions. This will be an exciting year! On New years eve chickens were hatched so I went to the store to get cottage cheese and chives. After the holiday, enquiries from trainees and wwoofers started to come in. Organization has started for the exhibition ”NaturResurser på Ecotopia” (Nature resources at Ecotopia) in collaboration with exhibition designer Liselotte Öhman which

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Christmas wishes & Preview of 2014

The stable has got the final roof layer and now we start the custom made interior. Just in time for the storm tomorrow, and Christmas. Josef and Mary are maybe looking for shelter…? The farm’s new goat has also arrived. He is named Ossian and spreads a wonderful sense of goat cheese over the farm. Such a lovely Christmas goat, isn’t he? Ecotopia is closed December and January. After the upbringing of this place these are holy months to us.

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Transition project

Now it was time for reflection about the past year and the planning of 2014. Amongst the highlights are media attention for Ecotopia, the progress of the construction, the interesting and aware people that have come from everywhere to visit Ecotopia, and the harvest that gets even more amazing each year. The downs are to much administration and cooking. I could never have imagined the bureaucracy to be handled during these seven years as a homecomer to Skåne and the

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A typhical untyphical week

A week at Ecotopia might look like this: On Monday the foundation Sparbanken Syd held their annual award for ”Newthinkers”, and we were invited as finalists. What a festive conference! Standup comedian Karin Adelsköld was the moderator and held a lecture, and so did scientist Mats Lindgren and IT expert Christer Månsson. Thanks to thorough planning the event was very succesful. The worthy winner of the award was Skillinge Emalj AB. Their craft is an exciting combination of old craftmanship and modern

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