

At last we have begun building the outhouse by the Skånelänge. Pity the poor guests who have to walk the path to the service unit! A urine-separating dry toilet. All the material for the building was already in place, other than the blue Dass-Isak (see picture) and the tank. Nutrients and organic matter will be reused on the fields in the form of sanitised urine and composted faecal matter. Then it’s just the red heart to be installed, the toilet

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Winter or Spring?

The previous week the garden was covered with snow. I went out then and photographed the beautiful snowy landscape. Totally wonderful. Ice on the polishing pond and a lot of water in the narrow ditch. Snow on the new info-house’s little tiled roof. In the forest garden you could see only the red flags that waved in the wind.  But today the sky was blue and the sun shone the whole day.. It felt like spring in the air. As

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Live in Eco Cabins

Today a journalist came and took photos. I stood on the foundation of the new house and pointed here and there. The views from the winter garden and bedroom in the east are both free and scenic. One sees the pond, the meadow, and the forest, while the pines at the same time provide protection. The snowflakes fell from the sky and the landscape was white. When the weather doesn’t allow work outside we glue the joists in the garage.

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The New Year

Ecotopia’s smorgasbord is now in the calendar. Among other things, education in permaculture design that will be held in the month of July, 2015. A really scrumptious smorgasbord that is reminiscent of the Christmas dinner at Brösarps Gästis yesterday, when we toasted those who have supported Ecotopia’s development for the past year! When we were finally under way with the homepage we cleaned up the Permaculture design menu and put in many new pictures that finally show the design in

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The Calendar 2015

I am sitting and working with the calendar for next year. Yes, next year really is within reach. Week 51 we lay out an overview so that you can see what’s happening at Ecotopia 2015. Week 4 you can then collect all the information and make applications. It will be a packed program with eco-building, permaculture, wellness, vision building, and vegetarian food preparation.. Are you missing your black and affectionate indoor cat? She appeared suddenly, both under-nourished and despairing.  Now

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Building plans

Now I’m in the midst of building planning again, but this time based on the new building laws. This time a passive house using straw bale techniques is being planned. This according to the EU’s norms. It also meets the specification demands for passive houses in Sweden – energy efficient homes as a basis. What is a passive house? A passive house is a building in which one has reduced the heat losses so much that no radiators or floor

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Take one’s own responsibility, oh yes!

Now I am holding the whole thing. I mean Ecotopia in its entirety. Roland has gone on holiday to Turkey. So I feed the animals, water in the greenhouse, take care of guests who stay overnight, clean, administer, organise, work on the building site, hold lectures, make rawfood cakes, hold guided tours and study visits, harvest, light the fire in the boiler room… Now for the first time I look over the whole of Ecotopia and can carry out all

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Harvest, homeopathy and house building

We have now harvested the potatoes and corn. The potatoes are being stored in the earth cellar and the corn we freeze. We have harvested unbelievable volumes of tomatoes this year so I have, among other things, cooked French tomato soup based on ecological white wine, spiced with sherry in large amounts. The nuns have also got large amounts of cocktail tomatoes and yellow teardrops. Soon it will be time to take care of the peppers. The apples are pressed

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Forest garden at Ecotopia

After some intense weeks we can now begin watering the plants in the forest garden;) It began with a planning period together with the permaculture designer Christoff, who led the workshop, and his assistant gardener Dominik, both from Austria. First soil tests were done and the pH level tested. Then we visited three nurseries, namely Wallströms, Åbergs och Rosenhagen, following Christoff and Dominik’s careful research into Nordic species and the whole selection of edible nuts, leaves, flowers, berries and fruit.

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Forest garden at Ecotopia

After some intense weeks we can now begin watering the plants in the forest garden. 😉 It began with a planning period together with the permaculture designer Christoff, who led the workshop, and his assistant gardener Dominik, both from Austria. First soil tests were done and the pH level tested. Then we visited three nurseries, namely Wallströms, Åbergs och Rosenhagen, following Christoff and Dominik’s careful research into Nordic species and the whole selection of edible nuts, herbs, flowers, berries and

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