The calendar is now on the website. There will be a lot permaculture and many cooking classes next year. Raw Food appears among the courses and in the kitchen too. Sustainable health is, as usual, an important component. The program also includes sustainable personal finance, biological wastewater solutions, environmentally-friendly painting, beekeeping, solar energy etc. The calendar reflects what we think is important for the co-creation of a sustainable future. Imagine if we had already reached that point in society. If
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Consider how many interesting and conscious people you meet on Ecotopia. People of all ages from different countries and continents. Students, employees, entrepreneurs, civil servants, active volunteers…from the whole range of different professional groups, as well as people who have not found their place in this society. All meetings are equally interesting! The common denominator is that they question the society we live in, with its consumption dependence, profit interest (linear economy), fossil fuel use, monocultural cultivation, unhealthy diet trends,
Läs mer →Autumn has arrived and so it is time to harvest and store. The greenhouse tunnel has been emptied of peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, aubergine, grapes, etc. The tomato plants look overgrown and physalis is everywhere you look – both ripe and unripe fruit. The root vegetables are still standing outside, as are the leeks and Brussels sprouts. Considering letting the parsnip remain in the soil over winter. That I learned at the last seed meeting. It need only be covered, as
Läs mer →On Sunday it was time for an international study visit. The Swedish Institute [Svenska Institutet] arranged this visit with representatives from five countries in Africa Kenya, Tanzania, Etiopien, Rwanda and Zambia. This as a part of the Swedish Institute Management Programme, a leadership programme focusing on sustainable business. We offered welcome smoothies, lectures, a guided tour and rawfood tasting samples. Presenting Ecotopia to international guests is something exceptionally special. There is so much we have in common 🙂 A trip back
Läs mer →Ecological cultivation, permaculture, solar energy, waste and natural medicine. The autumn course offerings cover a broad range. First up is Ingalill Kjellqvist, who for the fourth term in a row is leading a course on qigong and inspiration to self-healing, based upon Sanna Ehdin Anandala’s book ’12 veckor till ett självläkande liv’ (’12 weeks to a self-healing life’), starting on 01 September. On 17 September is a theme evening about waste, rubbish and sustainable development, with environmental educator Rustan Nilsson
Läs mer →Summer has now arrived with a bang! So now Maria Attström, who held courses in environmentally-friendly painting at Ecotopia in the spring, is painting the meeting place with waterglass and Alabaster’s silicate mineral paint, which doesn’t contain any plastic. You can see the lovely result in the pictures. In addition, we are utilising the peak of summer for repairs and completion of the roof on the straw bale cabins etc. This takes place when we’re not building the straw bale
Läs mer →Carl Schlyter was here to talk about the circular economy on Saturday. We are planning to invite economist Christian Felber to Stockholm in November. He has developed a new model, The Economy of the Common Good, and a new banking system. Christian’s first book in English is launching in the summer. You can meet him here. There were two courses in straw bale house building one after another, with many discussions around Swedish and European energy performance. So now the
Läs mer →Certified straw bales were delivered on Tuesday and we put them into storage in the neighbour’s barn. Five people came to help so it took only two hours. Now the studs that we prefabricated in winter are being put up and it is exciting to behold the view from every window. A completely new perspective on the farm. It was a wise move to set up weather protection. We now have a dry and warm working space with no wind
Läs mer →This exhibition is about a more subsistent ecological lifestyle, about constructing one’s own healthy buildings, about cooperation, about strengthening the local society, circular economy and about creating one’s own sustainable future while simultaneously contributing to sustainable development, both globally and locally. In this post-industrial era it is now time to build a new society – a recycling society/the holistic relations society. The pioneers and visionaries have already begun this work. Therefore, this exhibition is called The Settlers. When Vilhelm Moberg
Läs mer →Carola the goat has had two kids. The first is a little girl and the second a big, strong guy. That’s how it goes when the hormones are in control. 😉 But of course they are equally cute! The outhouse is finished and since it is placed in the east towards the sea we have given it a touch of the harbour in Kivik… We’re now changing the outer layer on the greenhouse tunnel. It was both cracked in various
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