About Ecotopia

Ecotopia Osterlen is built on a vision of personal responsibility engaging environmental sustainability, initiating social empowerment and creating an existential meaningful future. Across it’s geographical location, Ecotopia offers an opportunity to study the comparison between current consumer industrial society, and it’s inherent exploitation of the countryside, versus the optimism of a holistic communal society, where human beings live in harmony with, and as part of, the natural environment.

For every step that has been taken amidst building up Ecotopia, we have met boundaries of resistance from traditional thinking, regulations and more, which step by step have increased the autonomy of Ecotopia. It has been and will continue to be a time of challenge to stand up for the development of a sustainable environment, both here on Ecotopia Österlen and the local society.

We are Social Entrepreneurs with a focus on ecological community development in order of the reason to pave the way for others, as well as stimulate discussion and increase a belief in a future born from a grass roots level, out going from the motto:


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.

Margaret Mead