The website was offline through both Easter and beyond. Hackers from Ukraine/USA had been very active, so we spent many nights at the computer cleaning up and building up the website again. A growing challenge of today. Now we know how difficult it is for everyone who’s affected! A HUGE THANK YOU to all customers who remained patient and did not give up! In May we restart the eco-café with new dishes in a new atmosphere. Besides vegetarian food we also offer vegan and rawfood. We see that this is what our customers want. In addition, there will also be more raw food with wild beneficial plants. Opening times at the eco-café have been extended to every Saturday through May to August, as well as Sundays in July and August. See the opening times for the eco-café.
You can see the spring vegan menu here:
On the guided tour we now show how to build the self-sufficient straw bale house, which is currently under construction. At the moment we are plastering with kaolin clay in order to obtain nice light walls.